Hey Witches, I'm back! This week, we're focussing on all things 'candle magic'.

Candle magic dates back to Paleolithic times. Fire is a very powerful. Civilisations would use it to cook food, to keep warm and to warn animals off, since they didn't have the luxury of electricity.
Candles were originally made from beeswax and animal fats. They were first made by soaking pithy reeds in animal fats/beeswax. It wasn't until the Romans changed and improved candle making by using wicks of woven fibres.
Candles are the physical connection to the element of fire. The importance of the candle died out with the creation of electricity and the light bulb. However, the candle is still an important tool in sacred religious ceremonies, including witchcraft.
Candle colours and meanings
Black: Protection, absorbs negative energy or hexes, can put an end to an unhealthy relationship
White: Happiness, protection, new beginnings, truth, peace, purity,calming the mind, harmony, can be used to call on goddess energy
Blue: Emotional healing, communication, creativity, focus, justice, inspiration, harmony, peace of mind
Green: Money magic, good luck, earth magic, prosperity, success, health
Red: Love, lust, attract new partner, improves sex life, luck, confidence, will power, strength, determination and courage
Orange: Intellect, good luck with career, networking, legal affairs, joy, stimulating energy
Pink: Friendship, self love, unconditional love, romance, affection, warmth, happiness, forgiveness, intimacy
Yellow: Success, intelligence, focus, learning, mental, blocks, wisdom, clarity, confidence, new ideas, logic
Purple: Psychic power, opening of third eye, meditation, wisdom, divination, deeping spiritual awareness and knowledge
Silver: Intuition, dreams, manifesting your dreams and desires, the moon, attracts the influence of the Goddess
Gold: Prosperity, wealth, personal power, success, wealth, enlightenment and calling on male energy

Candle Magic Omens
Tall strong flames - Your spell/magic is empowered and getting through, it will work very well
Flickering unsteady flames - Your spell is having trouble manifesting your results
Dancing wild flames - Get ready for the roller coaster ride
Normal flames - Things are working as expected!
Small blue flames - Your spell is not getting enough through, prepare a back up plan
Crackling, popping flames - Your spell may manifest in very unexpected ways
Candle Spell Blessing
‘With this candle I do ensure That my spell does travel and endure
Over the lands, the skies and seas
To bring my desire back to me’
Remember: Don't blow your candle out unless you want to blow away your intention. Snuff it out with a took or your fingers, if it can't be left to burn out.
Love and Light the Luna Wytch x
The Witchcraft candle, a beacon of light,
Symbolizing illumination, banishing night.
Its flickering flame, a sacred glow,
Guiding our path, wisdom to bestow.