25/07/20 | The Homebrew Witch
This has altogether been a very strange week for witches. With the moon-fae-sun hex dominating community discussions and the various disputes around social media that have followed, it’s been pretty divisive to say the least.
This week, I’ve decided to keep our forecast as simple as possible with a 3 card past, present, future spread. I hope it provides some clarity for you all amidst the mania.
Past: King of Wands Reversed
The King of Wands reversed indicates an inability to manage our creativity and passions effectively. Whether this is due to a lack of time, energy, focus or money, there is clearly a blockage amongst the collective, preventing our potential from being realised. The fire keeping many of our passions aflame may have diminished this week as many burn out trying frantically to produce the work they want to. Pause, and give yourself some space.
Present: King of Swords
Sometimes, you just need a good blast of air to get your fire going again. This week, focus on finding clarity instead of rushing out work. Take a step back and survey your plans analytically from afar to assess what is no longer serving you. You may be surprised at what you find and what new ideas begin to form in your mind.
Future: The World Reversed
When switching gears and approaches like this, we must be careful not to lose connection to our true purpose. The distance we need to find clarity may take us too far away from our aims, leaving us feeling dispassionate. In the days to come, take some time to remind yourself what it is you’re seeking to achieve and bear this goal in mind going forward. You’ve got this.
These forecasts are for the collective. They aren’t personal so they may not resonate 100% with you but there will always be a nugget of guidance in there. I’d love to hear what really spoke to you so get in touch with me at @homebrewwitch or www.homebrewwitch.com to let me know.
Have a lovely week and I’ll see you next time!