Hello everyone! I am new to the Witches Magazine community, and stumbled upon this at probably just the right time as I am going through a break up and feel like I need a spell, ritual, cleanse, mantra, or any advice you all can give me. I would be most grateful for anything right now to keep me in my divine feminine and I am also fairly new to everything witchy. Thank you all for anything you have to pass on <3
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So pleased it helped. I'm sure many of the others will be able to help support you too.
This was incredibly helpful, thank you!!
I forgot to say .... if you are based in the UK, there is a fabulous festival organised by the Coven of Gaia based outside of Coventry. It takes place the first bank holiday in May. It's a fabulous opportunity to meet like minded people and there are so many workshops for you to enjoy, you could learn so much. This year it takes place over 3 days, you can book in for one day and visit or stay for the whole weekend.
Hello Jackie, welcome to the world of Witches Magazine. I'm so sorry to hear you are going through a break up, always so hard whether you were the instigator or not. First bit of advice, don't go back. You or they left for a reason. Take it from one who went back far too many times! I'm a great believer that everthing happens for a reason. Being new to everything witchy can be quite daunting, too, so one step at a time.
In our winter issue, Jenny wrote a magickal spell called Letting Hekate guide the way, a spell for dark winter days. I'll pop it at the bottom of this post for you to try. If you're not already on Instagram, do go on, as so many witches post really useful posts which will help you on your journey. There is so much to learn, but it's an exciting new journey for you. Do take care of you, be kind to yourself, and remember you are special.
Laura x
Letting Hekate guide the way: a spell for dark winter days
Winter is such a wonderful time to rest, reflect, and dream. We go into the darkness to be reborn stronger in the spring. But sometimes we can get lost in the reveries. We may get stuck in our heads and need clarity of thinking. Or we may find ourselves unsure which direction to take come the new year. In times of darkness, we need Hekate with her lovely lamp to guide our way.
For this spell, you will need:
An offering for Hekate
A piece of clear quartz
A white candle (or three)
Offering ideas include mugwort, lavender, yarrow, basil, rosemary, culinary sage; moonstone; pyrite; a found key; or a symbol of the moon.
This spell is best performed at night because Hekate is the goddess of the night. Cast a circle, gather your items, hold your clear quartz to your heart, and say:
Mighty Hekate hear my plea
Hekate Hekate help me see
Hekate Hekate bring clarity
Hekate Hekate be with me
Hekate keeper of keys
Hekate Hekate goddess of threes
Hekate Hekate, she who sees
Hekate Hekate, she who frees
Hekate Hekate bring your light
Hekate Hekate show me what’s right
Hekate Hekate clear my sight
Hekate Hekate guide me this night
Help me see, help me see, help me see
Blessed Be to you Hekate!
Light your candle and repeat the above words. Then state your situation that you need clarity on, and repeat the incantation for a third time. After leaving your offering, this spell can be followed up with a card reading, asking Hekate to guide the reading. I have also used this spell to fix tech issues or other problems I am having trouble seeing a solution for.
May this spell help to illuminate what you need to see.